Release Notes VStitcher 2022.1.0
Release Notes
VStitcher 2022.1.0
Build 52530
May 17, 2022
The release notes include:
What's new in VStitcher 2022.1, including links to instructions on using the new features
What's fixed in VStitcher 2022.1
Instructions on upgrading and downloading new VStitcher versions
What's New in VStitcher 2022.1.0
This release includes the following new and improved features:
Browzwear Physics Watermark
The Physics Watermark is added to fabrics that were tested with the FAB. It is also an indication that the U3M files for fabrics were provided by Browzwear and not an outside source.
For more information, refer to Physics Reference
Alpha Channel
The Alpha channel of the diffuse maps is now exposed. Users can edit and remove an alpha channel or use an external alpha map.
For more information, refer to Managing Alpha Channel
Enhanced 3D Display with Unreal Engine
The integration of the Unreal engine enables very fast ray trace rendering and an improved 3D display that displays high quality shadows and reflections in real time.
For more information, refer to Enhanced 3D Display with Unreal Engine
What's Fixed in VStitcher 2022.1.0
This release includes fixes for the following issues:
Some trims displaying incorrectly when loaded in final snapshot
Imported graded DXF patterns may appear distorted
Zipper not behaving properly when assigned to seams
Notches not always showing on all sizes when importing DXF to different software versions
Artwork Diffuse color codes not all displaying in exported tech packs
Exported animation sometimes appear distorted
Exported gITF not always displaying correct Roughness effects
Software crashes during rendering of gITF
Software crashes when loading different sizes
Software crashes when converting internal line to edge line
Known issues
Exported glTF using the specular/Glossiness workflow may produce unexpected results on the avatar texture. It is advised to export glTF using the Metalic/Roughness workflow.
Download and Upgrade Versions Instructions
Upgrading to VStitcher 2022.1
Download and install VStitcher 2022.1 from here.
- Cloud License Users - send your upgrade request to There is no need to send any files.
Dongle License Users - you must update your license dongle. Send your C2V to For further information, refer to Retrieving a C2V File and Applying a V2C File.
If you need to renew your contract and are interested in version 2022.1 contact
File Versions
Lotta 2022.1 and VStitcher 2022.1 both support files created in earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions.
Earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions do not support version 2022.1 files.
Version Support
With the release of Lotta 2022.1 and VStitcher 2022.1, the company's support now extends to the following versions of Lotta and VStitcher:
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