Release Notes VStitcher 2024.1.3

Release Notes VStitcher 2024.1.3

Release Notes

Build 53958

August 8, 2024

The release notes include:

  • What was fixed in VStitcher 2024.1.3
  • Instructions on upgrading and downloading new VStitcher versions

What was fixed in VStitcher 2024.1.3

  • Fixed an issue with specular/metal effects that resulted in fabric texture appearing excessively glossy.
  • Fixed material blending to maintain the expected brightness of blended fabrics, artworks and seams in both ​Overlay ​​and ​Multiply ​​material blending modes.
  • Added an option to revert to V-Ray Fur legacy Material Mode to get the expected fur brightness on V-Ray renders. Follow the steps below to change V-Ray Fur Material Mode:
    1. To find the ​VStitcher.ini file, open ​VStitcher​​ and go to ​Help ​​> ​Open Log Folder ​​from the main toolbar. In the file explorer, navigate two levels up to the Browzwear folder, then open the ​VStitcher​​ folder within it.



2. Close VStitcher.

3. Open the .ini file using a text editor.

4. Paste the following code at the end of the .ini file, within the root node:

<Obj N="VRay">
<Atr N="UseLegacyFurModel" V="1" />

The code should appear as follows:


5. Save your changes and reload ​VStitcher​​.


Download and Upgrade Versions Instructions

Upgrading to VStitcher 2024.1.3:

  • Download and install VStitcher from here.

  • Cloud License Users - send your upgrade request to There is no need to send any files.
  • Dongle License Users - you must update your license dongle. Send your C2V to For further information, refer to Retrieving a C2V File and Applying a V2C File.

  • If you need to renew your contract and are interested in version 2024.1.3 contact

File Versions

Lotta 2024.1.3 and VStitcher 2024.1.3 both support files created in earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions.

Earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions do not support version 2024.1.3 files.

Version Support

With the release of Lotta 2024.1.3 and VStitcher 2024.1.3 the company's support now extends to the following versions of Lotta and VStitcher:

  • 2024.1

  • 2023.3
  • 2023.2

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