Pen Tool

You can use the Lotta pen tool to draw lines and shapes on pieces in the 2D or the 3D window.

  • A line is a connection between two points.

  • A shape is a group of lines that completely enclose a space.

The tool behaves in a similar fashion to pen tools in vector based illustration programs.

For more information, refer to Using the Pen Tool and Pen Tool Options.

Using the Pen Tool

To use the Pen tool:

  1. In the 2D window or 3D window, click where you want to start drawing.

Once you have selected the pen tool, you can draw a line or shape, or edit a line.


Do This

Straight line

  1. Click to create the first point.

  2. Click to create the second point. A line is displayed.

    Note: Press Shift while drawing the line to restricted it to a multiple of 45°.

  3. Continue to click to add further straight lines.

Curved line

  1. Click to create the first point.

  2. Click where you want your curve to end and hold down the left mouse button.

  3. Drag to curve the line.


You draw a shape on top of a garment piece.

  1. Draw the lines to form your shape.

  2. Ensure you close the shape. To close the shape, hover on the last point until the cursor changes from cursor-pen.png to cursor-pen-end.png, and click.

End a line

Press Esc.

Edit a line

  1. Click on a point to start drawing a straight line from that point.

  2. Drag on a point and in the Context view, select one or two handles to curve the line to which it belongs.

  3. Click on a line to create a new point, and drag the point to curve the existing line.

  4. Click on a point and edit its properties by going to the Context view, in the Point Properties section:

    • In Curve Type, select sharp.png, curved.png, or smooth.png as appropriate.

    • In Handles, select none, one or two, as appropriate.

Joining Internal Lines

Free Brush Tool

You can use the free brush tool to draw freehand lines in the 2D window, or on pieces in the 3D window.

To use the free brush tool:

  1. On the Main menu click Tools, then click Free Brush.

  2. Go to the 2D or 3D window as required and use your mouse to draw freehand.

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