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Grouping Elements

Grouping Elements

The group feature allows you to group internal elements together. Once grouped, you can do actions on the group. For example, you might want to group the different elements of artwork which make up a compound artwork.

You can group the following:

  • Artwork

  • Trims

  • Internal lines

  • Attached pieces: pieces, all of which are attached to the same base piece

  • You cannot group elements which are parts of different pattern pieces.

  • You cannot group an element which has the Cross property enabled.

  • You cannot create a group within a group. If you try to perform this action with a group and another element or group, a single group is created.

Creating a Group

You can create a group in several ways as detailed in the following table.

Create a Group Using Procedure

Right-click menu

  1. In the 2D window, select the elements you want to group.

  2. Right-click a selected element. A menu is displayed.

  3. Click Group. The elements are grouped.

To ungroup elements:

  1. In the 2D window, select the group you want to ungroup.

  2. Right-click the group. A menu is displayed.

  3. Click Ungroup. The elements are ungrouped.

Context view

  1. In the 2D window, select the elements you want to group.

  2. Go to the Context view, and in the Actions section, click Group. The elements are grouped.

To ungroup elements:

  1. In the 2D window, select the group.

  2. Go to the Context view, and in the Actions section, click Ungroup. The elements are ungrouped.

Resources tabs

  1. On the Resources tabs, click 2D.

  2. On the 2D tab, select the elements you want to group.

  3. Click Clcik to display a menu. A menu is displayed.

  4. Click Group Selected. The elements are grouped.

To ungroup elements:

  1. On the Resources tabs, click 2D.

  2. On the 2D tab, click the group.

  3. Click Clcik to display a menu. A menu is displayed.

  4. Click Ungroup Selected. The elements are ungrouped.

Note: Alternatively, on the 2D tab you can drag an element to a group to add it, and you can drag an element from a group to remove it.

Edit menu

  1. In the 2D window (or on the 2D tab), select the elements you want to group.

  2. On the Main menu, click:

    • Edit (Windows).

    • Lotta  (Mac).

  3. A menu is displayed.

  4. Click Group. The elements are grouped.

To ungroup elements:

  1. In the 2D window (or on the 2D tab), click the group you want to ungroup.

  2. On the Main menu, click Edit. (Mac: Click Lotta/VStitcher.) A menu is displayed.

    • Edit (Windows).

    • Lotta  (Mac).

  3. Click Ungroup. The elements are ungrouped.

Keyboard shortcut

  • Ctrl+G (Windows) Command+G (Mac)

    With multiple elements selected, creates a group. With multiple groups selected, creates one group.

  • Ctrl+Shift+G (Windows) Command+Shift+G (Mac)

    With a group selected, ungroups the elements. With multiple groups selected, ungroups the elements in all the groups.


For more information, expand the following:


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