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This feature allows you to create and move guidelines in the 2D window to help in garment creation. Guidelines are not part of any pattern piece.


Creating a Guideline

You can create a guideline in the 2D window using one of the following methods:

You can create multiple copies of a guideline using Clone By Offset.

Dragging From a Guideline Ruler

To create a guideline by dragging:

  1. On the 2D window toolbar, ensure guideline rulers are enabled.

    Guideline rulers are enabled

  2. When enabled, guideline rulers display in the 2D window: one vertical and one horizontal.

  3. Drag your mouse from the horizontal guideline ruler to create a horizontal guideline.

  4. Drag your mouse from the vertical guideline ruler to create a vertical guideline.

The following image shows the creation of guidelines by dragging from the guideline rulers.

Creating guidelines

Using Two Existing Points

To create a guideline by using two existing points:

  1. Select both points.

  2. Right-click one of the points. A menu is displayed.

  3. Click Create Guideline. The guideline is created across the 2D window passing through both points.

The following image shows the creation of guidelines by using two existing points.

Creating guidelines

Using an Existing Line

You can use an existing line which is an edge or an internal line, so long as it is not closed, to create a guideline.

To create a guideline by using an existing line:

  1. Right-click the line. A menu is displayed.

  2. Click Create Guideline. The guideline is created.

If an edge is curved, the guideline created is a straight line between the two corner points.


For more information, expand the following:

To delete a guideline, select it, then press Delete.

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