This section includes some guidelines about how to fold and hang garments.
Fold & Hang is an extensive set of tools and there are many different ways to use them. The following guidelines are exactly that. You are likely to perform the task in your own way. Different people fold garments differently from one another in real life, depending on the desired final outcome. The same applies when using the Fold & Hang tools.
To fold a t-shirt, the following steps are an outline of one possible workflow:
Ensure you have selected the Floor Grid:
On the Main menu, click 3D Environment, then Environment. The available options are displayed.
Click Floor Grid. The grid lines are a useful reference point.
Ensure the avatar is in an A pose.
Ensure your garment is dressed and displaying to your satisfaction.
Go to the Fold & Hang workspace.
The icon on the far left of the Main toolbar is the workspace selector. The icon automatically matches the workspace you are using.
Click the icon. A menu is displayed
Click Fold & Hang to display the Fold & Hang workspace.
Hide the avatar
On the Main toolbar, click Drop.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Hide Avatar.
Drop the garment to the floor
On the Main toolbar, ensure Drop is still selected.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Drop to Floor.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Rotate 90° as often as is required to have the garment lie on the floor as required. For example, face up or face down.
Dress the garment. (On the Main toolbar, click Dress.)
The following image shows you the initial steps, starting with hiding the avatar.
Use the Pinch and Brush tools as required to adjust the garment so that it is lying as flat and smooth as you want. For more information, refer to Pinch and Brush on the Fold & Hang Workspace Reference topic.
Dress the garment when ready.
Save a snapshot of the flat garment. It comes in handy as a point of reference.
Assuming you are still using either Pinch or Brush, on the Horizontal contextual menu, click Save Snapshot.
Type in a name for the snapshot.
Click OK.
Fold the garment.
Use the Select tool, if required, to move the garment so that it aligns with the grid in a way that helps align the fold or folds you want to do.
To fold a garment:
On the Main toolbar, click 3D Fold.
In the 3D window, click on the garment. The fold line is displayed. This is the line marking where the fold is done.
Press Ctrl (Mac: Command) and click to make the fold line display at right angles to the regular fold line.
Adjust the fold line as required.
Fold Line Action
Drag the light blue ball at the center of the gizmo.
Change the angle
Drag the green curved line on the gizmo.
Move up or down
Drag the blue arrow on the gizmo. This moves the fold line up or down along its current position.
Change the length
Drag the blue square on the gizmo. This decreases or increases the length of the fold line, depending on the direction you drag.
Change fold direction
Click the purple circle at the end of the line which is through the center of the fold line.
Using the 3D gizmo, fold the garment, then dress the garment.
Repeat the preceding steps b to d as often as required.
For more information, refer to 3D Fold.
Make any final adjustments using the Advanced options. For more information, refer to Advanced - Layers and Simulation Options.
For further guidance, we recommend viewing these videos: Folding a Polo Shirt and Folding a Tailored Shirt.
The following image shows a single fold being done on a dress shirt.
To fold a dress shirt, one method is to follow the same steps as in folding a t-shirt (above), with these changes.
After first dropping the garment to the floor, move the collar to one side.
To move the collar to one side:
Go to the Context view and select the collar pieces.
At the bottom of the Context view, clear Stitches.
On the Main toolbar, click Select and drag the collar away from the shirt.
Later, after completing the folding of the main part of the shirt, with the front of the shirt face up, return the collar.
To return the collar:
Go to the Context view and select the collar pieces.
At the bottom of the Context view, select Stitches.
On the Main toolbar, click Select.
Drag the collar into position on the shirt.
Continue with any final adjustments.
When folding a dress shirt, don’t forget that you can shorten the fold line by dragging the blue square on the 3D gizmo.
For further guidance, we recommend viewing the video Folding a Tailored Shirt.
You need to ensure the hanger avatar is available. One possibility is that the person working on the garment in VStitcher saves a snapshot with the garment and hanger avatar in the file. Another possibility is for the VStitcher user to export the hanger (as a VSA file) and for you to import the avatar at the appropriate time in the workflow. Details are given below.
To hang trousers, the following steps are an outline of one possible workflow:
Ensure you have selected the Floor Grid:
On the Main menu, click 3D Environment, then Environment. The available options are displayed.
Click Floor Grid. The grid lines are a useful reference point.
Ensure the avatar is in an A pose.
Ensure your garment is dressed and displaying to your satisfaction.
Go to the Fold & Hang workspace.
The icon on the far left of the Main toolbar is the workspace selector. The icon automatically matches the workspace you are using.
Click the icon. A menu is displayed
Click Fold & Hang to display the Fold & Hang workspace.
Hide the avatar
On the Main toolbar, click Drop.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Hide Avatar.
Drop the garment to the floor
On the Main toolbar, ensure Drop is still selected.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Drop to Floor.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Rotate 90° as often as is required to have the garment lie on the floor as required. For example, face up or face down.
Dress the garment. (On the Main toolbar, click Dress.)
Use the Pinch and Brush tools as required to adjust the garment so that it is lying as flat and smooth as you want. For more information, refer to Pinch or Brush on the Fold & Hang Workspace Reference topic.
Dress the garment when ready.
Save a snapshot of the flat garment. It comes in handy as a point of reference.
Assuming you are still using either Pinch or Brush, on the Horizontal contextual menu, click Save Snapshot.
Type in a name for the snapshot.
Click OK.
(Optional) If required, fold the trousers. This is not necessary if you are simply hanging the trousers with one fold over the center of the hanger. However, you may want additional folds for the trousers.
Use the Select tool, if required, to move the garment so that it aligns with the grid in a way that helps align the fold or folds you want to do.
To fold the trousers:
On the Main toolbar, click 3D Fold.
In the 3D window, click on the trousers. The fold line is displayed. This is the line marking where the fold is done.
Press Ctrl (Mac: Command) and click to make the fold line display at right angles to the regular fold line.
Adjust the fold line as required.
Fold Line Action
Drag the turquoise ball at the center of the gizmo.
Change the angle
Drag the green curved line on the gizmo.
Move up or down
Drag the blue arrow on the gizmo. This moves the fold line up or down along its current position.
Change the length
Drag the blue square on the gizmo. This decreases or increases the length of the fold line, depending on the direction you drag.
Change fold direction
Click the purple circle at the end of the line which is through the center of the fold line.
Using the 3D gizmo, fold the garment, then dress the garment.
Repeat the preceding steps b to d as often as required.
For more information, refer to 3D Fold.
On the Main toolbar, click Drop.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click Hide Avatar. The avatar is displayed.
Do one of the following:
[One] Import the hanger avatar:
On the Main menu, click File, then Import.
Navigate to where the VSA file is located and select it.
Click Open. The avatar is loaded into the 3D window.
[Two] Load the hanger snapshot:
On the Main toolbar, click Snapshots. The available snapshots are displayed.
Click the snapshot with the avatar you want to use.
On the Main toolbar, click Select.
Move the trousers to the hanger so that the part you want to fold along the hanger is properly aligned.
On the Main toolbar, click Dress. The trousers now hang on the hanger.
Make any final adjustments using the Advanced options. For more information, refer to Advanced - Layers and Simulation Options.
On the Main toolbar, click Save Snapshot. Type a name for the snapshot, then click OK.
For further guidance, we recommend viewing the video Folding Skinny Jeans.
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