Tutorial Map
First, let's look at the available seam materials.
To view the seam materials:
On the Materials tab, go to the Seams section.
The Seams section displays thumbnails of the available seam materials.
The icon at the top of this thumbnail means that the seam has different properties on the face and back.
The icon at the bottom of this thumbnail means that the seam is applied to at least one pattern piece.
You can hover over a seam thumbnail to view more options. For example, hover over a seam thumbnail and click
to view a menu.
Now, let's apply some seam material.
You are going to assign the seam material double 1 to the two internal lines on the front of the sweatshirt. To view, expand the following image.
If the internal lines do not display, on the 2D window toolbar, click
. You can toggle this to hide or display internal lines.
You may find it easier to apply the seam material if you zoom in to the front of the sweatshirt in the 2D window.
Just like fabrics, you can apply (or assign) seam material using drag and drop or the assign tool. Let's use the assign tool.
To assign the seam material:
On the Materials tab, go to the Seams section.
The material to be assigned is double 1.
Click the thumbnail of the double 1 seam to select it. If selected, the thumbnail displays with a blue border.
On the Main toolbar, click Assign.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure that double 1 is displayed as the selected material.
If double 1 is not displayed as the selected fabric, go to the Seams section and click the thumbnail to select it.
Go to the 2D window, and click on one of the internal lines at the front of the sweatshirt.
Because the internal lines have the Symmetry property, when you add the seam material to one line, the other line automatically has the same seam assigned to it.
The following image shows the seam being assigned.
The front of the sweatshirt should display in the 3D window something like the following image.
Once you have applied the seam material, continue with Applying Artwork.
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