Artwork Actions and Transformations
You can do a range of actions and transformations on artwork.
To do actions and transformations on artwork:
In the 2D window, click the artwork.
Go to the Context view.
Edit the settings as required.
Label Description 1
The name of the piece on which the artwork is located.
Click to rename this instance of the artwork.
Alignment shortcuts
Click the respective icon to change the alignment of the artwork relative to the piece. In order, from left to right, the icons are for alignment to the:
Horizontal - Enabled only when more than two artwork items are selected. Equalizes horizontal space between selected items.
Vertical - Enabled only when more than two artwork items are selected. Equalizes vertical space between selected items.
Click View to view the Design in Sizes pane.
For more information, refer to Design in Sizes Overview. 3
Determines where in the piece the artwork is located.
You can make precise changes by typing in the desired X (horizontal) or Y (vertical) position.
You can set where the X and Y distances are measured from.
For more information, refer to Moving, Resizing, and Rotating Artwork.
Note: For less precise location, you can drag the artwork.
2021.3.2 and NewerYou can now hide and show the ruler markers on 3D objects
To show and hide ruler markers:
In the Main menu, click View. The View menu is displayed.
Select 2D Display, the 2D Display options are displayed.
Toggle Show Internal Rulers.
Determines the width and height of the artwork.
Note: For less precise resizing, you can use the gizmo.
For more information, refer to Moving, Resizing, and Rotating Artwork. 5
Determines the rotation of the artwork. You can make precise changes by typing in the desired rotation.
Note: For less precise rotation, you can use the gizmo.
For more information, refer to Moving, Resizing, and Rotating Artwork. 6
Magic Mirror
Click . The following choices are displayed:
Shape - Disabled. You cannot use this on artwork.
Shape + Material - Click to put a copy of the artwork in the mirrored location - as if there were a mirror line between in the center of the piece, reflecting it on to the other side. The following image shows this type of magic mirror action.
Clone & Rotate - Click to put a rotated copy of the artwork in the mirrored location. The following image shows this type of magic mirror action.
Note: You can also access the Magic Mirror by right-clicking the artwork in the 2D window.
Click Clone by Offset to clone the artwork by specified offset values.
For more information, refer to Cloning Internal Elements by Offset. 8
These controls allow you to set the stacking order of the artwork relative to other elements. For example, above or below an internal line.
Click to put the artwork to the top.
Click to move the artwork up one layer.
Click to put the artwork to the bottom.
Click to move the artwork down one layer.
The left thumbnail displays an image of the artwork. Click to view the artwork properties.
The right thumbnail shows the diffuse color. Click to display the color picker.
Click to edit the material.
If enabled, click to remove the artwork. Note: This option is normally disabled. It becomes enabled when you assign artwork, then move it.
Click the color thumbnail to change the artwork color. The color picker is displayed.
Click to hide the artwork.
For more information, refer to Hiding Elements. Select Cross to enable the artwork to extend across multiple pieces.
Click Allover Print to have the artwork repeated over all of the piece.
By default artwork is visible on the outside (face) of the pattern piece and not visible on the inside (back) of the piece.
Toggle Outside and Inside as required.
For example, the following image shows Outside selected, but not Inside:
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