You can easily move, resize, and rotate artwork.
Moving Artwork
You can move artwork by dragging it in the 2D or 3D window.
You can measure the location of the artwork relative to a point in the piece. After assigning artwork to a piece, when you click on the artwork in the 2D window, measurement lines with endpoints are displayed, one line showing the X distance and one showing the Y distance.
Drag an endpoint inside the artwork bounding box to set a measurement point.
Drag the X and Y endpoints as required, to set from where you want to measure these distances to the endpoint inside the artwork bounding box.
When you drag the artwork, the X and Y distances are displayed.
This allows you to measure exactly where the artwork is on the piece.
The following image shows how to adjust the measurement endpoints, and what happens when you move the artwork.
The X and Y distances are displayed in the 2D window and in the Context view, in the Transformation section. You can move the artwork to a precise location by typing in the desired X and Y values in the Context view. For more information, refer to Artwork Actions and Transformations.
Resizing and Rotating Artwork
You can resize and rotate artwork using the gizmo:
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure both Internal and Gizmo are selected.
Click the artwork. The gizmo is displayed.
With the gizmo enabled, you can:
Resize artwork
Drag a corner of the gizmo.
Rotate artwork
Drag the black rotation point in the gizmo circle. The artwork rotates from the point where the gizmo is located.
Press Shift while rotating to restrict the rotation to changes of 45° at a time.
The angle of rotation displays when you rotate, or when you click the black rotation point in the gizmo circle. You can click on the number and type in a value for more precise rotation.
Relocate the gizmo
Drag the center point of the gizmo, or click on the new location.
You can resize artwork by selecting it and using the Scale values in the Context view. For more information, refer to Scale by Percentage.
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