2020 September Edition - Build 51443
Release Notes
VStitcher 2020 September Edition and Lotta 2020 September Edition
2020.3.1 Build 51443
November 15, 2020
What's New
This release includes the following new features:
API - added support for Python version 3.7.8
Color Atlas by Archroma is included as an available color library
What's Fixed
This release includes fixes for the following issues:
When adding 3D annotation, the pen tool may become disabled
With a particular file, difficulty saving outfit as .BW file.
Unknown Category misspelled in Physics dialog box
3D trim imported without normal map may not display normal map when added
Importing DXF file or merging imported DXF file with BW file sometimes not working properly
Moving of points not being recorded as an “undo” event
Difficulty assigning fabric in 3D window
Artwork or trim being assigned in 3D window may incorrectly be assigned to inside of pattern pieces
On particular garment Shrink amount remains after Shrink property is cleared
Thickness of hoodie is missing when stitched with binding on the hood
After performing then clearing 3D styling, 3D gizmo may still display
Using API, updating material using absolute path to the texture may fail
Sometimes V-Ray render does not process specular and roughness maps
Using Browzwear Render Cloud a job may sometimes not complete (and error message may display) but success may be incorrectly reported on render tab
Uneven displacement may occur in ray trace render
In some cases, significant differences between Blender and V-Ray render output
Render of particular garment (using Blender 2.79) displays incorrectly
FAB/DB Admin:
Unable to calculate properties of crepe textile (long segment) on bias grain line
Properties added to database despite error message displaying stating raw data too noisy
Recalculation of large database may cause program to close
Fold & Hang:
After clicking Undo or Redo, simulation progress may not display accurately and Texture tool not always selected when it should be
Turntable output may not display all views
Drop to Floor may rotate garment
Selection not always cleared after clicking 3D Fold tool
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