VStitcher and Lotta 2021.1
Release Notes
VStitcher 2021.1 and Lotta 2021.1
Build 51587
February 15, 2021
What’s New
This release includes the following new features:
Darts Overhaul
Animation Workspace
Walk Tool
New Male Parametric Avatar
3D Export - Metallic/Roughness Option Added for glTF
Adjacent edges information added to Sizes and Grading pane
What's Fixed
This release includes fixes for the following issues:
When using merge, darts may appear at wrong angle or position on merged piece
Fully stitched pleats may not lie smooth
Drawing a cut mark and assigning a fabric not always showing the cut mark fabric through the whole thickness
Using a multi layered fabric with material blending of multiply or overlay, the effect is not always shown on the thickness
Graded internal elements not correctly exporting as DXF
In certain limited cases, adding a point to an edge may create a point that cannot be selected
Particular artwork material causing system malfunction
Snap to point not always working
Collision of avatar and garment occurring in legacy animation
High collision in pleats on circle skirt
Adding annotation to SmartDesign file may cause system malfunction
Different rendered turntable output may occur for different colorways
Unable to delete dart from particular pattern piece
Login to Stylezone with uppercase letters causes network connection time out
Uploading multiple colorways to Stylezone may cause system malfunction
Unable to copy and paste Smart Zipper
Unable to change geometry of stopper in Smart Zipper
Lining fabric may extend beyond edge of shell which is stitched with Smart Zipper
Particular material causing colorway not to display
Zipper not always aligning with graded internal line
Styling adjustment of 3D trim may not display accurately
U3MA data missing after material exported from VStitcher
When using API, update of material not always reflected in 3D window output
Hips of Genesis avatar not moving properly in animation
File Versions
Lotta 2021.1 and VStitcher 2021.1 both support files created in earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions
Earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions do not support version 2021.1 files
Version Support
With the release of Lotta 2021.1 and VStitcher 2021.1, the company's support now extends to the following versions of Lotta and VStitcher:
2020 September Edition
2020 May Edition
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