To create a base piece:
Ensure you have saved all work in DB Admin, then close DB Admin.
In VStitcher, on the Main menu, click File, then New Garment.
On the Resources tabs, click 3D.
On the 3D tab, click Avatars.
In Avatars, locate and double-click the avatar Sphere_Materials_Avt.
The avatar loads in the 3D window.
On the Main toolbar, click Insert.
Click Ellipse.
In the 2D window, drag to create a pattern piece. A size of 89 x 89 cm (35 x 35 in) is recommended.
On the Main toolbar, click Arrange.
Put the piece in the Shoulders cluster (marked by ^ icons on the front figure).
The Shoulders cluster places the piece parallel to the ground, allowing it to drape over the fabric testing avatar.
On the Main toolbar, click Prepare.
In the 3D window, reposition the piece as required so the piece sits above the avatar.
The avatar "Sphere_Materials_Avt" is not available in my application or the cloud library, is there somewhere that I can download it? Thank you!
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