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You are here: Using the Help Center
The Browzwear Help Center is intended to answer all your queries about Browzwear applications.
The Help Center contents are organized as articles relevant for each Browzwear application.
To guide you, every article has breadcrumbs at the top to show you where you are.
Some content is included in expandable drop-down sections as shown in the following example. Click the drop-down title to display the drop-down contents and click again to collapse or hide the contents.
Drop-Down Example
To display or hide this text, click the drop-down title or icon.
Many of the images are thumbnails. Click on a thumbnail to expand it. Click your browser's Back button to reverse the process. For example, the following image is a thumbnail for you to practice on.
Cannot see what you are looking for?
If you don't see what you are looking for in the contents:
Type your text in the search box and press Enter. The search results are displayed.
You can use the following Boolean operators:
AND - For example, garment and seams searches for topics with both words.
OR - For example, garment or seams searches for topics with either word.
NOT - For example, garment not seams searches for topics with the word garment that do not have the word seams.
For a search to match an exact phrase, type quotation marks around the search words. For example, "3D stitching" gives fewer results than 3D stitching.
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