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Print to File

Print to File

The Print to File function allows you to save each piece of a 2D pattern as an individual image at full scale. You can use the output as a reference for other graphic design systems, or as a true dimension plotted image.

Using Print to File

To use print to file:

  1. On the Main menu, click File.

  2. Click Print to File. The Export 2D Patterns dialog box is displayed.

  3. Select or clear the properties as required.

    The available properties depend on the File Format you select.
    Property Description

    File Format

    Select the file format you want:

    • PDF with Textures

      Output as PDF. The content is not editable.

      PDF with Textures

    • PDF (Vectors Only)

      Output as PDF. The content is editable. Vector files are maintained in vector format.

      PDF (Vectors Only)

    • Images

      Output as a graphic file in JPEG, PNG, BMP, or TGA format.


    Version 2022.2 and newer

    In this version we have added new buttons to the export 2D pattern preview window to enhance the process of printing pieces to files. The new boxes are unchecked by default.

    Export 2D patterns preview window

    The new feature enhancements also provide the ability to print relevant piece information on each piece by checking the following buttons.

    Shape information print buttons

    The following image shows a PDF file with relevant information printed on the piece, including shape name, file name, and size.

    Printed shape information

    The export with shape info buttons are also available for tech packs. For more information, refer to Editing Tech Pack Properties

    Image Resolution

    Note: Not available for PDF (Vectors Only) File Format.

    Select the resolution you want:

    • 72 DPI

    • 300 DPI

    The higher the DPI, the better the image quality, and the longer it takes to create the file.

    • For best texture quality, ensure the image in the application has equal or higher DPI than the Print To File DPI.

    • If you want to use the output as a screen print, it is recommended to use 300 DPI.


    Click Select all to include all items, or click the individual items you require as detailed below.

    Fabric Materials

    Note: Not available for PDF (Vectors Only) File Format.

    If selected, fabric materials are included in the output.

    If this option is selected, you may include or exclude Extend Fabrics over Allowance, meaning fabric texture covering a seam allowance area.

    Fabric Color

    Note: Only available for PDF (Vectors Only) File Format.

    If selected, each fabric’s diffuse color is used as the solid color. If a multilayered fabric, the fabric with Use Physics selected determines the color selected. If not selected, all pattern pieces use the Allowance color. (The Allowance color is set in your 2D windowpreferences.)

    If this option is selected, you may include or exclude Extend Fabrics over Allowance, meaning fabric texture covering a seam allowance area.

    Seam Materials

    Note: Not available for PDF (Vectors Only) File Format.

    Materials used on seams.

    Internal Lines

    If selected, internal lines are included in the output.

    Artwork & Trim (Vector Only)

    Note: Only available for PDF (Vectors Only) File Format.

    If selected, vector artwork and trim is included in the output. Non vector artwork and trim is not included in the output.

    If selected, you may include or exclude Show out of Piece Elements, meaning artwork and trium which is outside pieces.

    Artwork and Trim

    Note: Not available for PDF (Vectors Only) File Format.

    if selected, you may include or exclude:

    • Draw Rulers - if any

    • Hide Rulers on Centered Artworks - if selected, rulers on centered artworks are hidden

    • Show out of Piece Elements - artwork and trim outside pieces


    Seam allowance area for printed shapes.

    All Sizes

    If selected, you may include or exclude Nest, meaning size shapes are nested.

    Export Inside View

    View of artwork added to inside of the garment.

    Export all Pieces in a Single File

    Additional file including all pieces


    Select the colorways to include.


    Select the pattern pieces to include.

    If there are cut marks that are not sliced, a warning is displayed at the bottom of the dialog box. It is recommended to use VStitcher to convert such cut marks to slices, complete with the appropriate seam allowance, before exporting a file, printing to file, or creating a tech pack. For more information, refer to Slicing a Piece.
  4. Click Export. A file explorer window is displayed.

  5. Type a name for the file.

  6. If File Format is set to PDF with Textures or PDF (Vectors Only), by default, Save as type is set to Adobe Acrobat Document (*.pdf).

    If File Format is set to Images, by default, Save as type is set to JPEG. If you want a different format, in the file explorer window, click the drop-down and select the format from one of the following:

    • PNG

    • BMP

    • TGA

  7. Navigate to where you want to the file to be.

  8. Click Save. In the target folder, separate folders named for each included colorway are created. Each selected piece is saved inside each folder.

    For example, if the output is Image, there are four pieces included, the colorway name is Blue, and the file name is Shirt, the folder Blue contains Shirt-1-.jpg, Shirt-2-.jpg, Shirt-3-.jpg, and Shirt-4-.jpg.


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  • How can we get the graded internal lines showing in print to file? I am getting only the base size internal line even though i am selecting all sizes?

    Thank you for your help



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