Animation of avatars is supported for imported avatars with different poses built in. You can output the animation in different formats.
In addition, the application includes several animation ready avatars with natural sequential poses, that include, for example, walking and turning. These avatars are:
Man Running in Place Animation
Man Walking and Turning Animation
Woman Running Animation
To download the catwalk animation for the new Olivia avatar (2020 September Edition) click here.
Using Animation
To use animation:
On the Main menu, click Plugins, then Animation Plugin.
The Animation Plugin pane is displayed.
Edit the settings as required. You must first select an avatar.
The available settings depend on the format selected.
Output size matches the current size of the 3D window.
Load Animated Avatar
, then click the avatar you want to use.
Only imported avatars with animation or animated in their name are displayed. Rename suitable imported avatars to have them displayed in the list.
Other settings are only enabled when you have selected an avatar.
, then click the output you want:
Animated GIF
Note: Sequence output creates a number of images of the selected file format. You must use third-party software to stitch these images together and create animation.text
FBX with Animation
OBJ with Animation
Export Settings
Only displays if selected Output is FBX with Animation or OBJ with Animation
to display the available presets, then click the setting you want to use.
Garment Outside Baked Textures
If selected, the settings are as follows:
Geometry: garment outside, scale x1
Textures: baked, PNG, square 4096px
UV: single UV layout for all pieces
Exclude avatar
Garment In and Out Baked Textures
If selected, the settings are as follows:
Geometry: garment outside, inside and thickness, scale x1.
Textures: baked, PNG, square 4096px.
UV: single UV layout for all pieces.
Exclude avatar.
FFMPEG Library
Only displays for MP4 output
You must install FFmpeg to use this output.
If you have not already downloaded FFmpeg:
Click the displayed link and follow the instructions to download from the website.
Once downloaded, click Browse and navigate to the location of the FFmpeg.exe file.
Frame Rate
The higher the frame rate, the shorter the animation clip.
File Format
Only displays for Sequence output
, then click the file format you want:
Render Type
, then click the render type you want:
Ray Trace
Render Quality
Only displays if Render Type is Ray Trace
to display the available options, then click the setting you want to use:
Click Preview to preview the output. By default the preview excludes the garment. To include the garment, select With Garment.
When the preview is running, click Preview to stop it. You can click Preview again to continue. You can also click
to return to the beginning of the preview.
Select to delete existing snapshots and simulate by creating new snapshots.
Click Generate. A file explorer window is displayed.
Navigate to the folder where you want to put the output, then click Select Folder. The animation output is generated.
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