Lotta 2021.3.2
Release Notes
Lotta 2021.3.2
Build 52473
April 20, 2022
What's New
This release includes the following new and improved features:
Ability to show and hide internal rulers when working with internal objects such as 3D trims, Holes, attached pieces
What's Fixed
This release includes fixes for the following issues:
Failing to Render Ray-trace animation on Windows
Single-Sign On not logging in properly
VStitcher crashing when Importing DXF while Turn Points is unchecked
The back view of a U3M fabric displaying incorrectly when rotated
Cloud Render to Up failing sometimes
A random internal line appearing inside the 2D window after changing base size
Some snapshots of specific garments causing software to crash when loading
Some files failing to upload to UP
File Versions
Lotta 2021.3.2 and VStitcher 2021.3.2 both support files created in earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions.
Earlier VStitcher and Lotta versions do not support version 2021.3.2 files.
Files generated in 2021.3.1 may be loaded in version 2021.2 but this is not advised. Features that were added in version 2021.3 such as Holes and Inner Slits would not load on earlier versions.
Version Support
With the release of Lotta 2021.3.2 and VStitcher 2021.3.2, the company's support now extends to the following versions of Lotta and VStitcher:
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