Render Cloud Credit Calculation
The amount of cloud credits used for a render job in VStitcher is calculated according to the amount of time it takes to work on the render job. The amount of time it takes to finish a render also depends on the number of servers that it takes to work on that render.
1 credit equals 1 hour of rendering. 1 hour of rendering might be an accumulative hour done by multiple servers simultaneously.
Here is an example on cloud credits calculation:
60 servers per 1 render job (fast)= 1 minute of work per server= 1 cloud credit (Render is finished in one minute)
This equals
1 server per 1 render job (slow)= 60 minutes of work per server= 1 cloud credit (Render is finished in one minute)
The number of servers used for one render job is determined by how many servers are free to use.
You can view your cloud credits balance in your Browzwear cloud account.
To view your cloud credits balance:
Log into your Cloud account. The landing page is displayed.
At the top bar of the landing page, select Accounts option. The accounts page is displayed.
In your account page, you can view your cloud credits balance, remaining credits, and credits used.
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