Adding New Material Details
To use the FAB to add a new material's physical properties to the database, you must first add the material name and details to DB Admin.
To add the material name and details:
Open DB Admin.
Ensure you are working in the correct database.
The database name is at the top right of the page.
To change the database:
Click the database name that is displayed. The available databases are shown.
Click the database you want to use. The correct database name should now be displayed.
Click Add. A form displays on the right of the page.
Type in the details of the material as follows:
Mandatory. The name you want to use for the fabric.
Mandatory. The type of fabric. Click the drop-down icon to display the available entries, and click to select the category you want. To add a new Category, click the edit icon then click Create new.
Optional. The fabric manufacturer. Click the drop-down icon to display the available entries, and click to select the manufacturer you want. To add a new Manufacturer, click the edit icon then click Create new.
Optional. If required, type in a description of the fabric.
The fiber type. Click the drop-down icon to display the available entries, and click to select the fiber you want. If there is one fiber, the percentage display shows "100".
If the fabric has more than one fiber, click Add Fiber to add another. Note that the total of the percentage displays must be exactly 100.
Other values on the form - for example, Friction - are optional. The FAB does not require these values for analysis.
At this point, you have the option of entering the mass information. For more information, refer to Performing the Mass Calculation.
Otherwise, click Save and continue with Calibrating the FAB.
Performing the Mass Calculation
If you have the mass information from the fabric supplier, you can enter the details in the form. If not, you can perform the mass calculation at this point. Reminder: It is optional to perform the mass calculation at this time. However, if you want to do so:
Use a digital scale to weigh the three samples together and divide by 3 to get the fabric weight in grams. Make sure the value has 1 or 2 decimal places and note the result.
In DB Admin, under Physical Properties, at Mass, click the calculator icon .
The following form is displayed.
Using the same sample for the following, measure the length and width, then:
At Fabric Width, type in the width of the sample.
At Fabric Length, type in the length of the sample.
At Fabric Weight, type in the weight result you obtained in Step 1.
Click Calculate. The mass is calculated and displayed.
Click Save changes.
Once done, when running the tests, Mass Calculation displays as completed and DB Admin then goes from calibration to the thickness test.
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