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Troubleshooting the Fabric Analyzer

Troubleshooting the Fabric Analyzer

If an error message is displayed when operating the FAB, take the appropriate action as detailed in the following table.

Error Message Recommended Action

Device disconnected

Error message

Check the USB cable is properly plugged into both the computer and the FAB.

Check power supply

Error message

Check that power cable is properly connected and that the power is turned on.

Machine is stuck

Error message

  1. Remove the sample from the FAB.

  2. Reposition the sample according to the test instructions.

  3. Restart the test.

Negative force value

Needle on the force gauge is in the red zone

Error message

  1. Remove the sample from the FAB.

  2. Reposition the sample according to the test instructions, ensuring that you close the clamps carefully, with the force gauge needle in the green zone.

  3. Restart the test.

Mass value must be provided

Check that an entry has been made for the fabric mass. For more information, refer to Mass Calculation.

Task not complete

Error message

  1. Check that the FAB is in a stable environment.

  2. Remove the sample from the machine.

  3. Recalibrate the FAB.

  4. Restart the test.

Calculation error

Error message

  1. Click Show Logs to locate the log file. Please send this to our Support Team for investigation.

  2. Click Yes to redo the test, or click No to keep the current data, which may be inaccurate.

Operation timeout

Error message

Restart calibration of the FAB.

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