Width Sample - Short Segment Test

There are the following tests for the width sample:

  • Long segment test

  • Short segment test

To run the short segment test:

  1. If not already at the FAB user interface, start the FAB, open DB Admin, and click Use FAB. For more information, refer to Using the FAB.

  2. On the list on the left side of the page, click Width - Short Segment.

  3. At Enter fabric width, type in the sample width. (The default is 5 cm.)

  4. Remove any sample fabric from the machine.

  5. Click Start. The movable clamp moves into place.

  6. Slide the narrow block (without grooves) between the clamps.

  7. Position the fabric sample on the FAB according to Positioning Fabric for Short Segment Tests.

  8. Remove the block.

  9. Click Start.

  10. Wait for step 2 to complete. This is indicated by a blue tick displaying at the step.

  11. Slide a pencil or a pen under the sample to very lightly create an upward arch.

  12. Click Start.

  13. Wait for step 3 to complete. This is indicated by a blue tick displaying at the step.

  14. Tap the length of a pen or pencil very lightly over the sample to create a downward arch.

  15. Click Start.

    The test is complete when four blue ticks are displayed on the right side of the page.

  16. Click Next.

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