
Users can receive email notifications about the activity in Stylezone for their company.

When a user has any notifications to view, the number of notifications is displayed in a red highlight beside the user's name at the top right of the page. A user can click the number to view the notifications. Notifications are also displayed at the bottom of the Notification Preferences page.

Each user can choose to opt in or opt out of the following notifications:

  • New styles added to the users groups and chats

  • New comments on styles relevant to the user


    In Stylezone, a style is relevant to a user if the user uploaded the style or commented on the style.

  • Style upload by user is finished

Users set their own notification preferences. An admin user cannot adjust notification preferences for other users.

Notifications are at a global website level and not available per group or board.

For more information, refer to Notification Preferences.

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