Adding a Diamond Dart

You can use the Pleats/Darts feature to add a diamond dart to your garment.

To add a diamond dart:

  1. On the Main toolbar, click Insert.

  2. On the Horizontal contextual menu, click dis-drpdown.png.

  3. Click Diamond Dart.

  4. In the 2D window, drag inside the piece where you want the dart to be. A diamond dart is displayed.

  5. Edit the dart as required:

    1. On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Edit Points is selected.

    2. In the 2D window:

      • Drag pleat-blue-dot2.png to move the top or bottom of the dart.

      • Drag pleat-orange-diamond.pngto widen or narrow the dart.

      • For precise sizing, click the dart, and go to the Context view. Edit the Width and Height values as required..

      • Drag the dart to move it to a new location. For precise positioning, click the dart, and go to the Context view. Edit the X and Y values as required.

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