At any time before you implement the spread, you can edit the configuration of the slash and spread.
To edit slash and spread:
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Edit Points is selected.
In the 2D window, click a start or end point of the slash and spread. The slash and spread properties are displayed in the Context view.
Edit the properties as required.
The position of the start and the end point is the distance from the nearest corner point.
to link the Start and End values. If linked,
is displayed, and any change affects both values. To cancel the link, click
The distance between the two start points, and the distance between the two end points.
to link the Start and End values. If linked,
is displayed, and any change affects both values. To cancel the link, click
Number of slash lines.
Click the left or right pointer to change the anchor location, as required.
Values for the start and end spread.
When the value is a number, this is the distance added between each slice.
When the value is a percentage, this is applied to the distance from start point to start point (for start spread) or from end point to end point (for end spread) to set the adjusted distance to include the spread. For example, assume the distance from end point to end point before applying spread is 10cm. Assume end spread is set to 120%. The total spread is therefore 2cm apportioned equally among all slices.
to link the Start and End values. If linked,
is displayed, and any change affects both values. To cancel the link, click
Click when the slash and spread is configured as required. The pattern piece is changed to reflect the slash and spread adjustments.
You can do some editing of the slash and spread in the 2D window.
Right-click a start point or end point. A menu is displayed.
Click Implement Spread to implement the slash and spread effect.
Click Discard to remove the slash and spread.
You can also:
Drag the start and end points.
Click on the spread display and type in another value.
When creating the slash and spread, click on the number of slash lines and type in another value.
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