You can hide elements in the 2D window or the 3D window or both.
An element hidden in the 2D window is automatically hidden in the 3D window.
An element hidden in the 3D window is visible in the 2D window.
On the 2D window toolbar, click to hide all internal lines in your garment.
Using Right-Click in the 3D Window
To hide a pattern piece
In the 3D window, right-click the piece you want to hide. A menu is displayed.
Click Hide Piece. The piece is hidden.
To display the piece:
In the 3D window, right-click where the piece would display if it were not hidden. A menu is displayed.
Click Show All. The piece is displayed.
This feature allows you to hide an element from view by making it transparent. Other than the fact you cannot see the pattern piece, hiding has no effect on simulation. When you remove the hide effect, this does not require the garment to be newly simulated.
Using Right-Click in the 2D Window
To hide a pattern piece:
In the 2D window, right-click the piece you want to hide. A menu is displayed.
Click Don't Use Piece. The piece is hidden.
To display the piece:
A piece hidden using this feature is not included in the simulation. When you display the piece again, the piece goes into prepare mode and must be newly simulated.
Using the Context View
To hide a pattern piece:
In the 2D window or the 3D window, click the piece you want to hide.
Go to the Context view, in the Draping Properties section.
The piece remains visible in the 2D window, but is not displayed in the 3D window, and is not included in the simulation.
To display the piece:
In the 2D window, click the piece you want to display.
Go to the Context view, in the Draping Properties section.
A piece hidden using this feature is not included in the simulation. When you display the piece again, the piece goes into prepare mode and must be newly simulated.
Hiding an Internal Element
Hiding an internal element means it does not display. However, if it has physical or other properties, or stitches, these remain in effect.
Hiding an internal element using the 2D tab method, hides it in the 2D and 3D window.
Hiding an internal element using the Context view method hides it only in the 3D window.
Using the 2D Tab
To hide an internal element in the 2D and 3D window:
On the Resources tabs, click 2D.
On the 2D tab, hover over the element you want to hide.
Two icons - for Lock and Hide - are displayed.
. The element is hidden and the hidden icon is displayed.
On the Resources tabs, click 2D.
On the 2D tab, select the element (or elements) you want to hide.
. A menu is displayed.
Click Hide Selected Internal Elements. The selected elements are hidden.
To display a hidden element:
On the Resources tabs, click 2D.
On the 2D tab, hover over the hidden element you want to display.
. The element is displayed.
On the Resources tabs, click 2D.
On the 2D tab, click the element (or elements) you want to display.
. A menu is displayed.
Click Show All Internal Elements. The element is displayed.
Using the Context View
To hide an internal element in the 3D window:
In the 2D window or the 3D window, click the element you want to hide.
Go to the Context view, in the Line Properties section.
. The hidden icon is displayed.
To display the element, do the reverse of the last step.
You can also use the following to hide an internal element:
In the 2D window, right-click artwork or an internal element. A menu is displayed.
Click Hide. The element is hidden.
For an introduction, check out the video: Group, Lock, and Hide
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