X Axis, Y Axis, and Moving Points

When you move a point in the 2D window, you move it on the X axis (horizontally) or Y axis (vertically) or both axes.

For example, one of the ways you can move a point in VStitcher is by selecting the point, then going to the Context view and in the Transformation section, at Move, typing in a value for X or Y or both.


When you type in a value, the point is moved as follows:

  • A value for X moves the point on the X axis

    • A positive value moves the point to the right

    • A negative value moves the point to the left

  • A value for Y moves the point on the Y axis

    • A positive value moves the point down the screen

    • A negative value moves the point up the screen


This X and Y behavior mimics the behavior of common third-party illustration and graphics software.

Any move is applied to the point as if it were at 0 on the X and Y axis. The effect of various X and Y values is shown in the following image.


For example to move a point:

  • From “0” to “A” you would use X = 2 and Y = 3

  • From “0” to “B” you would use X = -4 and Y = -5

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