The lock feature allows you to lock elements. Once locked, such elements cannot be selected and so cannot be changed. The lock protects the element from being accidentally edited. In addition, you cannot stitch a locked element.
For example, you might want to lock an element to avoid moving it while you edit other nearby elements. Or, you might want to lock an element to avoid stitching to the wrong element.
Lockable Elements
You can lock any element that displays on the 2D tab, except the edges of pattern pieces.
Locking an Element
You can lock an element in several ways as detailed in the following table.
Lock an Element Using |
Procedure |
Right-click menu |
To unlock an element:
Resources tabs |
To unlock an element:
Edit menu |
To unlock elements:
Keyboard shortcut |
For an introduction, check out the video: Group, Lock, and Hide.
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