To edit a line:
If you want to:
Edit an internal line, on the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Internal is selected.
Edit an edge, on the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Pieces is selected.
In the 2D window, click the line.
Go to the Context view, in the Transformation section.
Internal line
Edit the settings as required.
Internal Line Setting
Determines where the line is located.
Determines the length of the line.
Determines the rotation of the line.
Flip X
Flips the selected line through the X axis.
Flip Y
Flips the selected line through the Y axis.
Edge Setting
Determines where the line is located.
Resize - Length
Determines the length of the line.
Go to the Context view, in the Actions section.
Internal line
Edit the settings as required.
Internal Line Setting
Save Ruler
Click to save the ruler. For more information, refer to Rulers.
Magic Mirror
. The following choices are displayed:
Shape - Click to put a copy of the line in the mirrored location - as if there were a mirror line between in the center of the piece, reflecting it on to the other side. Expand the following image to view an example of this type of magic mirror action.
Shape + Material - Click to put a copy of the artwork and any applied material in the mirrored location - as if there were a mirror line between in the center of the piece, reflecting it on to the other side. Expand the following image to view an example of this type of magic mirror action.
Clone & Rotate - Disabled. You cannot use this on lines.
Note: You can also access the Magic Mirror by right-clicking the line in the 2D window.
Convert Internal Line to
, then click either Edge or Floating Line to convert the line as required.
Extend/Shrink to Edges
If the line extends beyond the edges of the pattern piece, click to shrink it within the piece, to the edges.
If the line is internal and does not contact edges, click to extend the line to the piece edges.
Click to slice using the line. For more information, refer to Slicing a Piece.
Clone by Offset
Click to clone the line by offset. For more information, refer to Cloning Internal Elements by Offset.
Click to set the stacking order.
Edge Setting
Save Ruler
Click to save the ruler. For more information, refer to Rulers.
Seam Allowance
Enable to set a seam allowance. For more information, refer to Seam Allowances.
Edge Symmetry
Click to create an extension of the piece, symmetrical through the selected edge. For more information, refer to Creating an Extension of a Piece.
Trace as Internal Line
Click to trace the edge as an internal line. For example, you can use this to trace the edge of one pattern piece on another pattern piece. Expand the following image to view an example of tracing as an internal line.
The square piece is dragged over the larger piece. The bottom edge of the square piece is selected. The user clicks Trace as Internal Line. When the square piece is moved away, you can see the edge traced as an internal line.
Clone Edges by Offset
Click to clone the edge by offset. The following dialog box is displayed.
In Spacing, set the spacing between the cloned edges.
In Copies, type in the number of copies.
Enable Extend to Edges to have the cloned edges extend to the edges of the pattern piece.
After configuring the settings, click Apply.
Expand the following image to view an example of an edge being cloned by offset using Extend to Edges.
Click to set the stacking order.
Go to the Context view, in the Line Properties or Edge Properties.
Line Properties
Displays for a line that is not an edge
Edge Properties
Displays for a line that is an edge
Edit the settings as required.
Internal Line Setting
Show on 3D
If selected (
), the line displays in the 3D window. If cleared (
), the line and any assigned material does not display in the 3D window. However, the effects of any settings - for example, Puffy - do display.
Select to make a symmetrical copy of the line. If selected, Cross is disabled.
Select to enable the line to cross garment pieces. If selected, Symmetry is disabled.
Cut Mark
Select to make the line a cut mark.
2020 May Edition and newer
If fabric is assigned to a closed shape where the edges have the cut mark property, now you can assign physical properties and fur to the closed shape. In effect, a closed shape created from cut marks (a shape created from internal lines) is treated as a normal shape.
Select to display shrink settings. For more information, refer to Shrink.
Select to display puffy settings. For more information, refer to Puffy Fabrics Overview.
Select to make a fold. For more information, refer to Adding a Fold to an Edge or Adding a Fold to an Internal Line.
Select to make a crease. For more information, refer to Creases.
Select to attach the ends of the internal line to the edges of the pattern piece, and to lengthen or shorten the internal line as required.
If the internal line extends beyond the edges of the pattern piece or does not contact the edge of the pattern piece, a window displays asking permission to extend or shrink the edges to glue. This part of the function is the same as Extend/Shrink to Edges.
Edge Setting
Select to display shrink settings. For more information, refer to Shrink.
Select to display puffy settings. For more information, refer to Puffy Fabrics Overview.
Force Multiplier
Select to display force multiplier settings for folded edges. For more information, refer to Adding a Fold to an Edge.
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