Adding a Dart - Overview

VStitcher 2021.1 and newer

This dart feature allows you to add a dart object, a container for the various parts of the dart.

The following image shows the parts of a dart object.

Dart with Numbers.png


Dart Part


Apex - The point at the tip of the dart


Legs - the lines (edges) that join the apex and the dart points


Dart Points - the points that connect the dart to its adjacent edges


Width - The distance between the dart points


Dart Center Line - A line that joins the apex to the center point

To add a dart object:

  1. On the Main toolbar, click Insert.

  2. On the Horizontal contextual menu, click dis-drpdown.png. A menu is displayed.

  3. Click Dart.

  4. In the 2D Window, click the edge where you want the dart to appear.

    The following image shows how the cursor changes when the mouse is hovering on a location eligible for a dart.


    A default dart object is added with the Width and Leg Length displayed.


    • The default dart is perpendicular to the edge and has the following measurements:

      Width: 3cm

      Center Length: 10cm

      Leg Length: 10.11cm.

    • A dart is created by folding one edge over the other.

    • The direction of the fold determines the direction of the directional seam and influences the cap shape of the full dart allowance.

    • The leg that folds over the other is thicker.

    • The leg length numeric component is outside the dart on the side of the thicker leg.

    The following image shows this feature in action.


    Once you have added a dart, you can edit it.


    You can right click the dart to display various edit options.

For further information, refer to:

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