Editing a Dart Using the Context View

Once you have added a dart to a garment, you can easily edit it in the Context view.


For information on other editing options, refer to Changing a Dart's Width or Length

To edit a dart using the Context view:

  1. Select the dart.

  2. Go to the 2D window.

  3. Click one of the dart points (dart-context-apex.png or dart-context-point.png ). The Context view displays various dart properties.

  4. Go to the Context view and edit the properties as required.





    Type in the value you want.

    Center Length

    Type in the value you want.

    Note: Center Length and Leg Length are linked. If you change either value, the other is automatically changed to maintain the integrity of the dart object.

    Leg Length

    Type in the value you want.


    This option allows you to move the dart, the apex, or the left or right leg by an exact amount.

    1. Click dis-drpdown.png. A menu is displayed.

    2. Click the item you want to move.

    3. In the X or Y box, type the amount you want the item to move in that direction. For more information about how to move a point, refer to Points and Point Actions.




    Fold Direction

    Click to flip the fold direction.

    Note: The thicker dart line is folded over the thinner dart line. If you flip the dart direction, the seam construction is updated accordingly.

    Lock Point

    Determines whether to lock any of the dart points when moving the apex, the dart points, or modifying the width.

    To lock or unlock a point, click the appropriate icon.

    • Neither point is locked lock-none.png

    • Left point is locked lock-left.png

    • Right point is locked lock-right.png

    Note: Left and right points are determined from the perspective of the points facing the apex. For example, the following image shows two darts on both of which the left point is locked.


    Edge Handles

    Click to add edge handles. If enabled, handles are displayed which you can use to drag the adjacent edge or edges as required.

    Round Dart

    Click to make the dart a round the dart. For more information, refer to Making a Dart Round.

    Full Dart Allowance

    A dart may be empty (material removed) or full (material remains, is folded and sewn). The default is empty.

    • The following image shows an empty dart.

    • The following image shows a full dart.

    • The following image shows a full dart.

    To create a full dart, select Full Dart Allowance. VStitcher displays the full dart as a seam allowance. If there is additional seam allowance, this is added to the full dart.



    Edit Action

    Preview Closed

    Select to preview a closed dart. For more information, refer to Previewing Closed Darts.

    Rotate Dart

    Click to rotate a dart. For more information, refer to Rotating and Moving a Dart.


    Click to implement a dart. For more information, refer to Implementing a Dart.


Dart objects have certain editing restrictions. To overcome these, you must implement the dart. For more information, refer to Implementing a Dart.

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