You can manually grade all sizes simultaneously, by a fixed amount, using the Increment tool.
To use the Increment tool:
In Set Increment, type in the value you want for the increment.
In the 2D window, select one or more grading points.
Click the appropriate arrow to adjust the grade points as required:
Up arrow:
For sizes larger than the base size, moves the grade point upwards by the amount of the increment
For sizes smaller than the base size, moves the grade point downwards by the amount of the increment
The following images show the effect of using the up arrow with a 1 cm increment.
Starting Position
After Using Up Arrow
Down arrow:
For sizes larger than the base size, moves the grade point downwards by the amount of the increment
For sizes smaller than the base size, moves the grade point upwards by the amount of the increment
The following images show the effect of using the down arrow with a 1 cm increment.
Starting Position
After Using Down Arrow
Right arrow:
For sizes larger than the base size, moves the grade point to the right by the amount of the increment
For sizes smaller than the base size, moves the grade point to the left by the amount of the increment
The following images show the effect of using the right arrow with a 1 cm increment.
Starting Position
After Using Right Arrow
Left arrow:
For sizes larger than the base size, moves the grade point to the left by the amount of the increment
For sizes smaller than the base size, moves the grade point to the right by the amount of the increment
The following images show the effect of using the left arrow with a 1 cm increment.
Starting Position
After Using Left Arrow
In all cases, the base size grade point does not move.
The Incremental and Relative to Base data in the Sizes and Grading pane is automatically updated.
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