Viewing the Grain Line

In the 2D window, you can view the grain line of fabric.

To view the grain line:

  1. Go to the 2D window.

  2. On the 2D window toolbar, click grainline.png.


    The grain line is displayed on pieces. The grain line is indicated by a white line at the center of the pattern piece, with a diamond at one end marking the top.

  3. If the applied fabrics hide the grain line markers on the pieces, on the 2D window toolbar, click 2dtoolbar-textures.png to turn off textures.

Changing the Grain Line

In the 2D window, you can also can change the grain line of fabric.

To change the grain line:

  1. If the grain line is not already displayed, on the 2D window toolbar, click grainline.png.

  2. On the Main toolbar, click Select.

  3. On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Internal is selected.

  4. In the 2D window, click the grain line on a pattern piece. The grain line changes to light blue and the diamond changes to red to indicate that they are selected. The 3D gizmo appears.

  5. Hover over the gizmo and drag the black rotation point that displays to rotate the grain line. To rotate in 45 degree increments, press Shift while rotating the grain line.

    • The line and diamond turn red while it is being rotated.

    • The rotation value from the original orientation of the grain line is displayed.

    • For precise rotation, click the displayed rotation value and type in the desired value.

    The following image shows the changing of a grain line.

  6. On the Main toolbar, click Dress.

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