Adobe AI Script Pop Up Message
In Adobe Illustrator 2022 and newer, the following pop up message appears when adding an AI file to the software or when using the edit externally option.
This message is notifying you that VStitcher is attempting to interact with Illustrator so that it can read the AI file. Select Continue for the action to proceed. If you choose Cancel instead, the action will fail.
When adding an AI file to the software where the script message is canceled, the AI file will still be added, but will be converted to raster, as shown by the symbol that appears on the material icon. When you hover over the icon a message is displayed “This artwork is currently non-vector. Click to convert to vector graphics”. Clicking the icon will re-prompt the script message so you can confirm it.
If the Edit in External Software feature is used but the script message is canceled, the image will be prevented from opening in Illustrator. The same occurs if the message ID is not confirmed after saving.
It is possible to suppress this message so that the script is automatically run without manual confirmation needed.
To suppress the warning dialog and run the script:
Create a JSX file with the following content: app.preferences.setBooleanPreference("ShowExternalJSXWarning", false)
Save the JSX file.
Go to File > Scripts > Other Script, and choose the newly saved JSX file.
Or use the following link for the JSX file.
For more information, refer to Adobe help article.
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