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Using the Ai Custom Script

Using the Ai Custom Script

In the regular workflow with Ai files, when you add an Ai file to the artwork, all the content in the Ai file becomes a single artwork. When using the Multi-Layer Ai Custom Script, each layer in the Ai file becomes a separate artwork in VStitcher/Lotta.

To be able to add multiple artworks at once as separate artworks, you must first separate each section of the artwork that you would like to control, as its own layer in the Ai file. When using the script, each layer will be added as a separate artwork and, in this way, changes can be applied to a specific layer.

The script is included in the VStitcher installation files. To use the script, you must locate it and copy the path to Preferences. If you prefer, you can request a copy of the script file from customer support.

To Use the Ai Custom Script

  1. In VStitcher, open the Preferences dialog box.

  2. Under Images & Colors, next to Ai Custom Script, you can enter the path to the multi_layer_sample_with_materials.jsx script file or browse to the file.

    Preferences dialog box

To locate the script file on your computer, follow the instructions below for a Windows or Mac machine:

  1. When using the Multi-Layer Ai Custom Script, we recommend that you also select the Use one master Ai file for all colorways checkbox. This feature maintains the vector behavior when the Ai artwork is cloned for a new colorway. If this option is not checked, the Ai artwork will lose vector behavior when cloned for a new colorway.

When the Use one master Ai file for all colorways option is enabled, any changes made in the Ai file while editing in external software, will apply to all cloned materials of the artwork in the same colorway and all cloned colorways. For example, if a fill color is changed in Ai, that fill color will change in all cloned materials in the file. The following message will appear to remind you of this behavior.

Edit externally message

  1. Click OK to save the changes in the Preferences dialog box. Next time you add an Ai file with layers as a material, a message appears prompting you to select the imported Adobe Illustrator object type.

    Adobe object type options

  2. Select Each layer as a Separate Artwork. This option opens the file in Adobe Illustrator and converts and imports each layer of the file as a separate SVG file. This allows you to edit each layer separately when added as artwork and maintains the vector behavior.

  3. Click OK to continue working on the artwork.

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