Using the ColorUp Workspace

Using the ColorUp Workspace

ColorUp is a new workspace that provides you with the ability to create new color options for a specific style in ​Stylezone​​. The new capabilities that the ColorUp workspace brings support a smoother ideation process and grant you the opportunity to make better decisions as you change the color and properties of textures and artworks in real-time.

Note: To use the ColorUp workspace, you can only use ​EGLB ​​files uploaded from ​VStitcher​​ 2023.1.2 and newer.

To enter the ColorUp workspace, in ​Stylezone ​​select ​​​colorup-icon.png​​ at the top of the ​Style Review​ window. The icon will be visible only when a valid ​EGLB ​​file is uploaded.

To exit the ColorUp workspace, click the ​X ​​icon at the top right of the ColorUp workspace.


3D Viewer Window

​This window is where the style is displayed; it behaves like the normal ​Stylezone​​​ 3D viewer window. In this window you can:

  • ​View the garment and the avatar in 360.
  • Hide or display the avatar.
  • Zoom, orbit, and pan.
  • For more information, refer to ​Stylezone 3D Viewer​.

Material Panel

The Material panel includes the​​ All Materials​ tab and the ​By Piece​ tab in which you can filter and select the material you want to recolor. The editable properties will be displayed in the ​Properties panel​​.

Note: To select the material you want to edit, you can also click a piece on the garment in the ​3D Viewer window​​.

​​All Materials Tab:​​

When you select the ​All Materials​​ tab, a list of the materials the garment is made from is displayed. You can use the Select All option to select all the items in the All Materials tab.

Note: Groups of materials behave as one asset, and any changes are applied to all materials together.


​​By Piece Tab:​​

When you select the ​By Piece​​ tab, the list of materials is filtered by the pieces the garment is made up of. You can use the Select All option to select all the items in the By Piece tab.


Select a piece to display the list of the materials in that piece.



Properties Panel

​When you select material that you would like to edit, the editable properties are displayed in the ​Properties panel​​.


The following table shows the different options of the ​Properties panel​​:

Properties Section Description
Material name​​

The name of the selected material.


Use ​​​restore.PNG​​​ to restore the original settings.

​Texture section​
  • Use ​​​add-texture.PNG​​ to replace a texture or an artwork on the garment. The file must be ​PNG ​​or ​JPG​​.

Note: When the original artwork is replaced by a new artwork, the new artwork is bound by the original artwork settings, and you can only edit its color and scale (not position).

  • Click ​​​delete.PNG​​​ to delete the texture or artwork. When deleted, the selected color replaces the deleted one. If no color is selected the default solid color is white.
  • Use the transparency scale to edit the transparency level of the texture.


  • When ​Front​ and ​Back​​ are linked, changes are applied to both.


  • When ​Front​ and ​Back​​ are not linked, changes are only applied to the selected side. The selected side has an underline.


​​Transformation section​​ In this section you can enter values to edit the ​Position​​, ​Scale ​​(width, height), and ​Rotation​​.

​Toggle the link icon next to ​Scale​ to link ​​​link1.png​​ or unlink ​​​unlink.png​​​ the height and width. When height and width are linked, one is automatically adjusted according to the other.
Color section​

In this section, you can add colors from the available colors palette to use on the garment.

​To add a new color:

  1. Select the add-color.png button to display the color palette.​​​


2. Select a color from the color palette. The color is now in use and is displayed in the color section.

​You can add the selected color into the colors collection to save it for later.

To add the color into the colors collection:

  1. Select the color from the color palette.
  2. Click the ​+​​ icon in the color collection. The color is added into the collection.


  • Use ​​​delete.PNG to delete a selected color. The deleted color will be removed from the color collection.
Color Library section​
  • Use the ​+​ icon to upload a new color library file from your computer. You can add a color library in the following formats: ​ACO​​, ​ASE​​, ​JSON​​.

When a color library file is added, it is saved in the color libraries list. The following options will be available:


  • Use the ​Select​​ dropdown to select a color library from the list.

When a color library is selected, the following options are available:


  • ​Use the ​Search ​​option to search for colors inside the selected library.

Use the ​​​colors-view.png​​ icon to navigate between ​Grid/List​​ view of the colors.


​Save or discard the style​​

Edit the style as you want, then click the ​Save ​​or ​Discard​​ button at the top of the page.


You can also click the ​X​​ icon to exit the ColorUp workspace. A pop-up message is displayed.


When a colorway is saved, it is added to the ​Colorway names panel​​ with an automatic name.


A new style version is created that includes the new colorway. The colorway is also added to the ​cover image​ and ​collection​ of the style and can be viewed from the edit page in ​Stylezone​.


The Colorway Names Panel

​In this panel all the colorways you have created for a specific style are displayed with their names. From this panel you can change the colorway name, start a new colorway, and duplicate colorways.

Note that colorways that have been imported from ​VStitcher ​​do not have the ColorUp workspace icon at the top right of thumbnail. Colorways that have been created in the ColorUp workspace have the ColorUp icon at the top right of the thumbnail.


To change the name of the colorway:

  1. Click the name under the colorway in the ​colorway names panel​​.
  2. Type in the new name of the colorway.
  3. Click anywhere on the screen or the Enter key. The new colorway name is saved.
  4. The new colorway will be saved in the edit page so you can delete, rename, and manage it from the edit page as well.

To start a new colorway from inside the workspace:

  1. ​Select the ​Add New​ option in the ​Colorway names panel​​.


2. The most recently saved colorway is duplicated and displayed in the ​3D viewer window​​ as the starting point for creating a new colorway.

To duplicate a colorway:

To duplicate the original colorway imported from ​VStitcher​​:

1. Hover over the colorway. A ​+​​ icon is displayed on the thumbnail.


2. Click the colorway, the colorway is duplicated.


To duplicate a colorway that was created in the ColorUp workspace:

(Note the colorup-icon.png​​​ at the top right of the thumbnail)

1. Select the Colorup colorway that you want to duplicate. The selected colorway is underlined.


2. Click the ​Add New​​ thumbnail. The colorway is duplicated.




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