Global Search

Global Search

The Global Search feature provides powerful and comprehensive search capabilities across the entire Stylezone site, allowing you to search:

  • By groups, styles, boards, collections, and users
  • ​Using free-text queries


Note that:

  • ​The search history includes up to six most recent searches and items found.
  • You can use the keyboard shortcuts at the bottom of the search results to move between and select results or exit the results.
  • You can click ​Search page​ to see all ​search results​​. The ​Search ​​page shows a list of search results, including breadcrumbs showing where the item is located. You can filter search results by entity type, tags, or style status.

​Filtering Search Results

In the ​Search ​​page, use the ​Type​​, ​Tags​​, and ​Status ​​filters to narrow down the search results. Click ​Clear All​​ to reset the filters.


By default, the ​Search ​​page shows ten results per page. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the ​Search ​​page to navigate between pages or change the number of items to display per page.




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