Adding a New Database

In certain circumstances, you may want to add a new database to DB Admin. For example, company ABC arranges for your company DEF to test fabrics and add the details to company ABC’s fabric database. For this to happen, your company needs to add the database for company ABC so that the new fabric data is added to that database.

To add a new database you must have a database key and then add the database details.

Generating the Database Key

To generate a database key for your database:

  1. Open VStitcher or Lotta.

  2. On the Main menu, click Help, then License Info. License information is displayed, including the Database ID.

  3. Email with the Database ID, requesting the Database Key.

Continuing the example from the top of the page, in this case company ABC would provide its Database ID to Browzwear Support and ask for the Database Key. Company ABC would then send your company (DEF) the Database Key so you could add the database details.

Adding the Database Details

Once you have the Database Key, you can add the Database Details.

To add the database:

  1. Ensure neither Lotta nor VStitcher are open on your computer.

  2. Open DB Admin.

  3. On the right side of the Main menu, click Browzwear.

  4. A menu is displayed.

  5. Click Manage Databases. A dialog box is displayed.

  6. Click Load new key. A text box is displayed.

  7. Paste the key into the text box, then click OK. DB Admin restarts.

  8. On the right side of the Main menu, click Browzwear. A menu is displayed including the name of the newly added database.


Ensure the proper company database is active before using the FAB to add fabrics to a database.

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