3D Review Workspace

2021.3.1 and newer

When creating and designing garments, this workspace allows you to view multiple 3D windows, side by side, to review different sizes, avatars, and snapshots. The main purpose of this feature is to help users ensure correct garment creation through comparison.

For example, in the following image there are three avatars wearing the same garment in three different sizes. Comparison between the different sizes shows that the V neck in the bust area moves lower as the size increases. This feature provides the ability to compare and decide whether the user wants to keep such behavior. When the Pressure map is enabled, notice the colors around the area of the shoulders and bust which indicate pressure. The pressure changes as the size changes. Such behavior is not noticeable without comparing the garments side by side in different sizes. This is how the feature can contribute to more accurate grading and sizing.

  • Smart design garments are currently not supported

  • The 3D Review Workspace is a VStitcher only feature, it does not exist in Lotta


Displaying the Workspace

To display the 3D Review workspace:

  1. At the top left of the Main toolbar, click the Workspace selector button.


    The Workspace menu is displayed

  2. Click 3D Review. The 3D Review workspace is displayed.

3D Review Workspace User Interface Overview


The 3D Review workspace includes the following:

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Date Votes
  • The Pressure map tool good .Please also add a tool for balancing the garment

  • Ravi Giri We are glad that you enjoy our tools. Thanks for the suggestion, this is actually a feature that we plan to add soon, so stay tuned.



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