This feature allows you to lengthen and shorten pattern pieces by dragging their unstitched edges in the 3D window, immediately seeing the effect of such changes in the simulation.
Making a 3D Adjustment
To make a 3D adjustment:
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Edit Points is selected.
Go to the 3D window.
Drag the edge you want to lengthen or shorten.
For more information, expand the following:
Adjustment Modes
There are two adjustment modes, depending on whether you have enabled Slide on the Horizontal contextual menu.
If slide is enabled : the length of the pattern piece (whose edges are selected) is adjusted in the same way as would occur if the edges were selected in the 2D window and dragged with Slide enabled.
The following image shows adjustment with Slide enabled.
If slide is disabled: the selected edges keep their length and the pattern piece is adjusted as if the corner points on the selected edges were unpinned.
The following image shows adjustment with Slide disabled.
Selecting Edges
Only unstitched edges may be selected for this feature. The following image shows an example of a basic t-shirt with the relevant edges highlighted in purple.
When selecting an edge, if an unstitched edge is selected, and stitching connects it to other unstitched edges, thus creating a closed (or open) loop, all of the edges on the loop are selected.
For example, in the above image, hovering over any bottom edge also highlights the other bottom edges so that clicking selects them all. All, therefore, can be adjusted.
Although stitched edges cannot be selected to move, remember that you can temporarily make edges unstitched and therefore make them eligible for adjustment. For example, by clicking the piece, then going to the Context view in the Draping Properties section and clearing Use in 3D.
The following video shows the 3D adjustment feature in action.
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