With the ability to hide the avatar in the 3D simulated garment, you can use transparent fabrics to show shaping and fit in areas that cannot be seen in real life. Transparent fabrics have the exact same physics and thickness as other simulated fabrics, but are not visible.
To create a transparent fabric:
If the Materials tab is not already open, on the Resources tabs, click Materials.
On the Materials tab, hover over the same fabric that is active on the pattern piece that is to be made transparent.
. A menu is displayed.
Click Clone Fabric. A copy of the fabric is added to the Fabrics section.
If using large thumbnails, instead of steps 3 and 4, on the Materials tab, hover over the fabric thumbnail and click
to clone the fabric.
Click the newly added fabric to select it.
Go to the Context view, and set Transparency to 100%. You now have a transparent fabric with otherwise identical physics to the original fabric.
Assign the fabric to the pattern pieces in the 2D window, as required. (Drag the fabric, or use the Assign tool.) For example, you might want to use the transparent fabric on a trouser leg piece, or a sleeve, so would assign the transparent fabric to that piece or pieces.
On the Main toolbar, click Dress.
In the 3D window, right-click the avatar - away from the garment. Menus are displayed.
Click Hide Avatar.
If the exact location cannot be seen from default 3D navigation, right-click at the desired location and select Look At.
With the transparent fabric, you may be better able to see the source of any fit issues in the garment.
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