If your system crashes while running Lotta or VStitcher, before requesting support, there are certain steps you can take to help determine the cause and prevent a repeat. For more information, expand the following:
Basic Checks
First, check the following:
Check the driver version of the graphics card. If the driver is not the latest version, update the driver.
Check the status of Windows or Mac updates as appropriate. If there are updates that have not yet been installed, install them.
Check the type of HASP dongle in use (Local/Network).
Check if the system is using remote access.
Further Investigation
If further investigation is necessary:
Obtain the crash logs from the system. For more information, refer to Finding Windows Crash Log Files or Finding Mac Crash Log Files as appropriate.
Obtain full system information:
Windows 10
Click the Start button.
Type System Information and select the app of that name when it is displayed. The System Information window is displayed.
On the menu, click File.
Click Export. A file explorer window is displayed.
Browse to where you want to save the file.
Ensure Save as type is set to Text File.
Type a name for the file and click Save.
Click the Apple icon.
Click About this Mac.
Click System Report. The System Report is displayed.
On the menu, click File.
Click Save. A file save window is displayed.
Browse to where you want to save the file.
Type a name for the file and click Save.
System Crashes
When either VStitcher or Lotta crashes, a message is displayed with the location of the crash log files. These crash log files help track the source of the crash.
Finding Windows Crash Log Files
Look for the folder containing windows crash logs here:
You can zip the folder, or copy the log files from the folder, for VStitcher or Lotta as appropriate.
For example, in the following system, the folder VStitcher-29921 contains the most recent VStitcher log files.
Look for the Mac crash logs here:
Computer Name>/Users/Library/Logs/DiagnosticReports
Copy the crash log for VStitcher or Lotta as appropriate.
For example, in the following system, the file Lotta_2017-04-27-103604_Jeans-MBP.crash contains the Lotta crash data.
Dealing with an Unresponsive System
If, instead of crashing, a computer is unresponsive, it does not automatically generate crash log files. You need to manually create DMP or sample files.
If you need to share a crash log file, it is recommended to upload the file to Google Drive or OneDrive, and send a link, instead of sending the file by email.
Creating a DMP File (Windows)
To create a DMP file in windows:
Do not close the application.
Open Task Manager. (Press Ctrl+Alt+Delete, then select Task Manager.)
If full details are not displayed, click More details.
In the Processes tab, right-click VStitcher or Lotta as appropriate.
Click Create dump file. The file is created and a message is displayed with the location of the file. It may take some time for the file to be created.
Creating a Sample File (Mac)
To create a sample file in Mac:
Do not close the application.
Open Activity Monitor. (Spotlight search: Type Activity Monitor or click the Launchpad icon and search for Activity Monitor)
Search for VStitcher or Lotta as appropriate.
Click on the
icon (System Diagnostics Options). A menu is displayed.
Click Sample Process.
The following message is displayed: "Please wait while the sample is taken."
It may take some time for the file to be created.
When the sample file is open, click Save and choose the destination where the file should be saved.
Core DMP files are large. When you are finished troubleshooting the problem, delete the files.
Contacting Support - Essential Information
If you do need to request support about a system crash:
Ensure you give detailed information about what action was being taken immediately before the crash. For example, perhaps you were in the Resources tabs, in the Materials section, selecting a material.
Share the crash log file.
Share the VSP file if applicable.
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