Balancing a Parametric Avatar Silhouette

Certain parametric avatars include a body deformation option, presented as a Balanced slider, that allows you to quickly and easily adjust the overall avatar silhouette.

The Balanced slider is available for the following parametric avatars:

  • Olivia

  • Deborah

  • Rachel

  • Adam

Adjusting the Silhouette

To adjust the avatar silhouette:

  1. In the 3D window, right-click on the avatar. Menus are displayed.

  2. Click Edit Avatar.

    If the avatar has not previously updated to the latest format, the following is displayed.


    Click Yes. The Edit Avatar pane is displayed in the Context view.

    In other cases, the Edit Avatar pane is displayed in the Context view.


    The Edit Avatar pane is displayed in the Context view.

  3. On the Edit Avatar pane, click Measurements. In the Body Silhouette section, the Balanced slider is displayed.

  4. You can set a value from 0 to 1. Either drag the slider, or type in a value. The avatar silhouette is adjusted accordingly.


  • The default value is zero, so there should be no change for existing saved avatars.

  • Using this feature changes many areas on the body which reduces the need to use the reshaping options found in the Body Shaping section.

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