How to Arrange Pieces

Before you can simulate a garment, you must arrange the layout of the pieces on the avatar. This is how you tell VStitcher where the various pieces belong.


This is sometimes referred to as arrange mode.

Syncing Arrange Mode

When creating a garment, before using arrange mode and starting to put the pieces into clusters, you may prefer the pieces to be laid out similarly to how they are in the 2D window. With this feature, you can sync the arrange mode display so that it shows the pattern pieces in the same general layout as in the 2D window.

To sync the arrange mode display:

  1. On the Main toolbar, click Arrange.


    The Arrange window is displayed.

  2. On the Main menu, click View.

  3. Click Sync Layout. The available options are displayed.

  4. Click By 2D window. The pattern pieces are displayed in arrange mode to conform with the same general layout in the 2D window.

Arranging Pattern Pieces

Arranging the pieces includes:

video.png For an introduction, check out the video: Arranging Pattern Pieces.


VStitcher 2021.3.1 and newer

You can now arrange pieces into cluster using the 3D window. For more information, refer to Arranging Clusters in 3D

2023.2 and newer

In the Main toolbar, use the Link piece position between sizes check box to arrange the pieces of each size individually or have the positioning of pieces automatically linked between the sizes.


When the Link piece position between sizes is enabled, any change to the position of pieces inside the clusters of a certain size is automatically applied to the position of that piece on all sizes.

When the Link piece position between sizes is disabled, you can change the position of pieces in clusters for each size individually.

Exiting Arrange Mode

To exit arrange mode, on the Main toolbar, click Select.

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