You can use the extract tool to create new pattern pieces by selecting parts of a pattern piece that are bounded by:
An edge
An internal line that goes from edge to edge
A dart
A guideline crossing the piece
With effect from 2021.2, you can also use the extract tool on overlapping pieces.
To ensure an internal line goes from edge to edge, you can use Extend/Shrink to Edges or Glue.
For more information, refer to ???
To use the extract tool:
On the Main toolbar, click Insert.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, click , then click Extract on the list that displays.
Note that the cursor changes shape to confirm you have selected the extract tool.
In the 2D window, click inside the borders of the piece or part of a piece you want to extract a copy of. Each part you select is highlighted in a color that’s different from the source pattern piece or pieces.
Once you have selected the parts you want, drag the selection.
A new pattern piece is created from all selected fill areas while keeping the original pattern piece.
On the Main toolbar, click Select, then in the 2D window drag the newly created piece to a more convenient location.
The following image shows the basic functionality of the extract tool.
For more information, refer to Extract Tool Use Cases.
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