Preparing the Garment on the Avatar

Once you are satisfied with the prepare mode appearance, you can dress the avatar. Refer to Dressing the Avatar.

Arrange Mode and Prepare Mode

You can view arrange mode and prepare mode together: on the Main Toolbar, click Arrange, then Prepare.

Clusters and Prepare Mode

As well as adjusting clusters by using the 3D gizmo, you can make precise adjustments using the 3D Transformations section in the Context view.

To adjust clusters in prepare mode:

  1. On the Main Toolbar, click Prepare.

  2. In the 3D window, click the part of the garment you want to adjust.

  3. Go to the Context view, in the 3D Transformations section.

    • move.png Edit to move the cluster in the X (horizontal), Y (vertical), or Z axis.

    • rotate.png Edit to rotate the cluster about the X (horizontal), Y (vertical), or Z axis.

    • size.png Edit to scale the cluster in the X (horizontal), Y (vertical), or Z axis.

      For example, if a sleeve cluster is colliding with a cuff cluster, you might use scale to separate the clusters. This has no effect on the size of the pieces.

    • Click reset2.png to reset the adjustment.

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