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Editing Artwork Properties

Editing Artwork Properties

You can edit the properties of artwork.

To edit artwork properties:

  1. If the Materials tab is not already open, on the Resources tabs, click Materials.


  2. If not already open, click the Garment tab.

    Garment tab is open

  3. Go to the Artwork section and click the artwork you want to edit. The artwork properties are displayed in the Context view.

  4. Edit the properties as required.

    For information about editing vector graphics, refer to Editing Vector Artwork Properties.

Configuring Print Execution

Versions older than 2020 May Edition

As mentioned above, one of the artwork properties you can edit is Print Execution: information to be included in the tech pack about how to deal with the artwork. A default list of options is included. You can configure your own options.

To configure your own options for the first time:

  1. Close any open versions of Lotta and VStitcher.

  2. Go to:

    Windows: C:\Users\<your username>\AppData\Local\Browzwear\common\PrintExecution

    Mac: /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/browzwear/common/PrintExecution

  3. Open the file list.json.sample in the text editor of your choice. If the file is not available, download it from here to your computer.

  4. Edit the list as required using the indicated format.

    "id" is the identifier for the option, and "caption" is the caption that displays in the user interface. Captions display in the order in the file.

    For example, to add Low Density as an option, add the line:

    { "id": "Low Density", "caption": "Low Density" },

    The following image shows this being done, adding the option after High Density.

    Editing the JSON file

    For example, to remove an option, delete the relevant line.

  5. When you have finished your edits, save the file in the same location with the name list.json.

    When you next open Lotta or VStitcher, the Print Execution options are updated to reflect the contents of the list.json file.

  6. To configure the Print Execution options thereafter, edit the list.json file as required.

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