Dealing With the Collar
Tutorial Map
The collar piece has a seam allowance of 0.5cm on the left and bottom. The seam allowance is displayed by having an internal line 0.5cm from the left and bottom of the collar piece. Once we remove the seam allowance, we also need to delete this internal line.
The steps involved in removing the seam allowance from the collar piece are:
Removing Seam Allowance - Left Edge
To remove the seam allowance from the left edge of the collar:
On the Main toolbar, click Select.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Pieces and Internal are selected.
In the 2D window, click on the left edge of the collar piece.
In the Context view, select Seam Allowance.
Type in -0.5, and press Enter.
If your preferences are set to inches or millimeters, type instead -0.5cm.The seam allowance on the left is removed.
The following image shows the removal of the seam allowance from the left edge of the collar.
Removing Seam Allowance - Bottom Edge
To remove the seam allowance from the bottom of the collar pattern piece, we repeat the procedure used to remove the left edge seam allowance. The only difference is that because the bottom edge is composed of multiple parts, to select the entire edge we need to hold down the Shift key while clicking on the various parts forming the edge.
On the Main toolbar, click Select.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Pieces and Internal are selected.
In the 2D window, press Shift and click on each of the lines forming the bottom edge of the collar piece.
In the Context view, select Seam Allowance.
Type in -0.5, and press Enter.
If your preferences are set to inches or millimeters, type instead -0.5cm.The seam allowance on the bottom is removed.
The following image shows the removal of the seam allowance from the bottom of the collar.
To clearly show each of the separate steps, the tutorial splits up the removal of the seam allowance from the left and bottom edge. However, you could remove both at the same time by selecting all the edges and then applying the change to Seam Allowance.
The following image shows the seam allowance being removed from the left and bottom edges at the same time.
Deleting the Internal Line
After removing the physical seam allowance, we need to delete the internal line.
To delete the seam allowance internal line:
In the 2D window, below the collar piece, click . A message is displayed.
On the message, click OK. The icon no longer displays and the piece is no longer protected.
On the Main toolbar, click Select.
On the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Pieces is cleared and Internal is selected.
Click on the internal line - it is displayed in red on the piece edges.
Click Delete. The internal line is deleted. If done correctly, the piece edges now display in blue. To check this, on the Horizontal contextual menu, ensure Pieces is selected, then hover your mouse over the piece.
The following image shows the internal line being deleted.
Viewing the Digital Seam Allowance
After removing the physical seam allowance, you can check that the digital seam allowance is still there.
To view the seam allowance:
Go to the 2D window toolbar.
Click . The seam allowance is displayed on the pattern piece.
In the preceding image, the seam allowance displays in red because that was the color set in Preferences. Your display may well use a different color. For more information, see 2D Window in Preferences. -
For the purposes of the tutorial, click so that the seam allowance no longer displays.
And that completes the removal of seam allowances from the collar.
Once you have removed the seam allowances from the collar, continue with Dealing With the Sleeves.
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