This topic includes information about:
Ray Trace Rendering with Blender
To do ray trace rendering with Blender:
Download Blender using the appropriate link:
Unzip the downloaded file and install Blender.
The installation package includes the file readme.html. Refer to that file for Blender installation details.
Open VStitcher.
On the Main menu, click:
Edit (Windows)
VStitcher (Mac)
Click Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed.
If you are not using the most recent version of VStitcher, the Preferences dialog box is different.
Click the Rendering tab.
For Ray Trace Renderer, click
, then click Blender.
Ensure Local (Blender) is selected.
In Blender Path, click Browse. A file explorer window is displayed.
Navigate to the location of the Blender app, select it, and click Open. The path is added to your preferences.
Click OK. Rendering with Blender is enabled.
It is recommended to use version 2.83 of Blender which has been tested by the Browzwear 3D team.
Ray Trace Rendering with Modo
To do ray trace rendering with Modo:
Download the Browzwear for Modo Plugin.
Open Modo.
Drag and drop the downloaded Modo plugin onto Modo. The appropriate scripts are installed in your Modo Content/Kits directory.
Open VStitcher.
On the Main menu, click:
Edit (Windows)
VStitcher (Mac)
Click Preferences. The Preferences dialog box is displayed.
If you are not using the most recent version of VStitcher, the Preferences dialog box is different.
Click the Rendering tab.
For Ray Trace Renderer, click
, then click Modo.
Ensure Local (Modo) is selected.
In Modo Path, click Browse. A file explorer window is displayed.
Navigate to the location of the Modo app, select it, and click Open. The path is added to your preferences.
You must enter the full path to the application, including modo_cl.exe (Windows) or modo_cl (Mac) at the end.
If using a Mac, open a Finder window, right click on the appropriate Modo application bundle, and choose Show Package Contents. The modo_cl application is in Contents/MacOS.
Here are a couple of example paths. The path on your system may differ.
Example Windows path: C:\Program Files\Luxology\modo\10.2v2\modo_cl.exe
Example Mac path: /Applications/
You can also set the path to point to modo.exe instead of modo_cl. If done, the Modo user interface is displayed as the render completes, allowing you to refine lighting and render settings in Modo.
In Render Command, copy and paste (including the quotation marks):
"-cmd:lotta.render {TASK.JSON}”
Click OK. Rendering with Modo is enabled.
Ray Trace Rendering with Render Street
To be able to ray trace render using Render Street, you must:
Set up an Account with Render Street
To set up an account with Render Street, go here:
Edit the Application Preferences
For information about the rendering preferences, in Editing VStitcher Preferences, refer to Rendering.
Most users can skip the next part, which is only required for advanced users operating FTP uploads with Render Street.
For FTP Uploads - Configure Your Environment
If you are using FTP uploads with Render Street, you need the following information:
TCP Ports
Main port: 51225
Port range for passive connections: 49000 to 49999
Source URL/IP Address
Thereafter, follow the relevant instructions according to the type of ray trace output you want:
The output in the 3D window is generated more quickly than ray trace rendered output. A ray trace render takes more time because it produces more detailed output that mimics how light works in real life and is much more realistic. Further, it adds information that isn’t seen in the 3D window, such as self-shadowing, environment shadows, color bleed, and more. The main difference is not so much in the explicit colors as the tones displayed with, for example, shadows darkening the image and color bleed having a subtle effect.
3D window output is quicker to display and is suitable for most workflow tasks.
Ray trace rendered output is more accurate and best for final design decision purposes.
2022.1 and newer
The integration of the Unreal engine enables very fast ray trace rendering and an improved 3D display that displays high quality shadows and reflections in real time.
The following images show the difference in the 3D display with and without the integrated Unreal engine.
The 3D display without the integrated Unreal engine.
The 3D display with the integrated Unreal engine.
Use Nvidia graphics card with RTX support to enable top quality 3D display and ray trace rendering.
For more information about the 3D display with Unreal and the supported graphic cards, refer to Enhanced 3D Display with Unreal Engine.
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