Configuration Panel Reference

This section describes the Configuration panel user interface.


User Interface Element



When assigning pieces or edge seams, click to capture the piece’s fabric.


Symmetry option. Enabled by default. If enabled, when selecting a piece for assignation, a piece which is symmetrical to the selected piece is automatically assigned. If disabled, symmetry is ignored when assigning pieces.


Click to verify the assigned pieces. By default, the 2D window displays only pattern pieces which are assigned.


Click to pin the panel. Then click to unpin.


Disabled by default. Enabled to confirm you have selected a piece in the 2D window to assign it.


Disabled by default. Enabled when you select a piece in the 2D window.

When enabled, use to remove a piece from its assigned type. To remove:

  1. In the 2D window, click the piece you want to remove.

  2. Click Remove. The type containing the piece is displayed with selected.PNG.

  3. Clear selected.PNG.

  4. Click Done. The piece assignation is removed.


Displays number of pattern pieces not assigned. Click sniper2.png to display these in the 2D window.


Drag this handle to move the category in the pane.


Click to collapse the category. Then click expand.png to expand.




Click to view and adjust combinations for the selected category. For more information, refer to Combinations.


When displayed with a category or type, toggle to verify the category or type. For example, if you click for Sleeves, the 2D window displays all sleeve pattern pieces which are assigned, and no others.


Note that the verify icon is now like this: sniper.png to show verification is on.

If you then click sniper.png for Long Sleeves (and so, deselect it), the 2D window displays the Short and Medium pattern pieces which are assigned, and no others.


Click to delete the category.


Click to display a menu. The available options are:

  • Select Image - click to display a file explorer window. Navigate to the location of the file you want to use for the thumbnail image, and select it. Then click Open. The selected file displays in the thumbnail.

  • Description - click to display a text box for you to type in the description of the type, or to edit an existing description. Then click OK.

  • Reset Option - click to remove the captured pattern pieces from the category.

  • Delete - click to delete the type.

i-icon.png/ fsp.png

  • When a piece is not selected, i-icon.png is displayed. The icon is displayed with a blue highlight if there is a description.

  • When a piece is selected, fsp.png is displayed.

    The letters are highlighted in color if the piece has:

    • fx.PNG - fabric captured.

    • sx.png - seam property captured.

    • px.png - properties of an edge or line captured.

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