Naming Texture Maps
However you create your own materials, this section describes how to name texture maps so that they are automatically imported along with the essential diffuse texture map.
To name a texture map for a material:
Give the file a suitably descriptive prefix. For example, rib.
Add the appropriate suffix as shown in the following table.
Map Suffix Diffuse _col or _base Specular _spec Normal _nrm Roughness _rough Metalness _mtl Displacement _disp Examples of texture map file names: rib_base.png, jeans_col.png, cotton_spec.jpg, and so on.
To ensure the texture maps are automatically loaded, put them in the same folder as the diffuse texture map.
If, for some reason, the texture maps are not loaded automatically, you can load them using the Image editor:
On the Resources tabs, select the material.
Go to the Context view, and click the thumbnail for the map you want to load. The Image editor is displayed.
Click Replace. A file explorer window is displayed.
Navigate to where the texture map is located, and select it.
Click Open. The texture map is loaded.
For information about adding materials, refer to:
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