Using the Community Forum

This section includes information about using the community forum.


If you would like to write a post or comment on a post in the community forum, you first need to create a support site account. For more information, refer to Signing in to Browzwear Help Center.

Reviewing Community Guidelines

Before posting, please review the Community Guidelines.

Posting and Commenting

To post a comment on the Browzwear Community Forum:

  1. Navigate to the community main page.



    The new post form is displayed.

  3. Under Title, type in a title for your post that is concise and descriptive. This helps other users identify the topic when browsing the community for information.

  4. Under Details, type in your post. Give appropriate details and provide screenshots and image references related to the topic. This helps the community best identify the relevant features and, where appropriate, the solution.

  5. Click the Topic drop-down, then click the appropriate topic from the list that is displayed. The available topics correspond with Browzwear University topics for reference. The following list includes the available topics and examples of subjects they cover.

    • Orientation: software interface, navigation, basic tools, and snapshots.

    • Avatar: importing avatars, editing avatars, avatar types, and size sets.

    • Garment Creation: DXF, stitching, edge properties, and specific garment construction.

    • Pattern Shape Functions: pattern adjustments, pen tool, piece, line, and point properties.

    • Materials & Colors: fabrics, seams, trims, artwork, and color.

    • Rendering & Exporting: render types, ray trace, lighting, and animation.

    • Communication: Stylezone, tech pack, print to file and 3D annotations.

    • Simulation & Showcasing: arrange, 3D layers, styling tools, and Fold & Hang workspace.

    • Hardware, Installation & Licensing: If you are experiencing a crash or installation issue, consider sending us a support ticket instead. For common licensing and login questions, check out our FAQ section.

  6. After choosing the topic, review the notice:


    Reminder, you are submitting to a public community forum. We do have a team to provide assistance. Please allow a few days for moderation and feedback.

  7. Click SUBMIT to submit your post.

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